Surugaya Hanbei (駿河屋半兵衛) (publisher ca 1797 – 1808)


Museum of Fine Arts, Boston - Shūchō example


Edo print publisher (Marks 499). Artists published by this house include Eiri, Eishō, Shūchō, Shun'ei, Shuntei, Toyokuni I and Utamaro.

The only artists in the Lyon Collection published by this house are Eishō and Utamaro. We have highlighted their names in bold type.


This house also published books. In Kyōwa 4 (1803/4) they published a work by Jippensha Ikku, Shoyō kojitsuke anmon (諸用附会案文). In their last year of operation they published a book, the Naniwa Miyage Hatsumonogatari ( 浪花土産初物語), about the return of Utaemon III to Edo. The text was by Shikitei Sanba with one illustration by Katsukawa Shuntei.
