Kubo Shunman (窪俊満) (artist 1757 – 1820)

Kōzandō (go - 黄山堂)
Kubota (original family name - 窪田)
Sashōdō (go - 左尚堂)
Shōsadō (go - 尚左堂)
Toshimitsu (family name)
Yasubei (nickname - 安兵衛)
Issetsu Senjō or Hitofushi Chizue (go - 一節千杖)
Nandaka Shiran (go - 南陀伽紫蘭)



"Among surimono designers, Kubo Shunman 窪俊満 (1757-1820) stands out for his varied talents as a kyōka poet, a painter, a print designer, an engraver and a lacquer artist. For several years around the turn of the century he headed the Hakuraku poetry circle. Though his father died when he was young and Shunman (given name: Kubota Yasubei) was raised by an uncle, he seems to have been most strongly influenced by his grandfather, Kubota Masaharu (1700-ca. 1774), a painter and lacquer craftsman by profession, who was also a scholar of Kokugaku (National Learning) studies.

In the late 1760s, the young Shunman was introduced to Katori Nahiko (1723-82), who initiated him in painting, poetry and scholarship a integrated arts, not separate pursuits. Whereas Shunman imbibed the rarefied aesthetics of Nanga and Kanō painting themes from Nahiko, in the realm of ukiyo-e he studied under Kitao Shigemasa, though like many other print artists of the time he fell under the sway of the Kiyonaga bijinga style. Shunman 春満 was assigned his name, written with characters meaning 'spring abundance', by Nabiko. Concerned that people would mistake him for a pupil of Katsukawa Shunshō, after Nabiko's death in 1782 Shunman started writing Shun with a different character, one meaning 'genius'. He often signed himself Shōsadō 尚左堂, Studio of the Left, since he was left-handed.

It seems he operated a surimono production studio that produced prints for his own commissions and those of other artists, and it is thought he may have sometimes done the engraving and printing himself."

Reading Surimono. The Interplay of Text and Image in Japanese Prints, edited by John Carpenter, 2008, p. 382.
