Ōtomo Wakana-hime (大友若菜姫) from the series <i>Sagas of Beauty and Bravery</i> (<i>Biyū Suikoden</i> - 美勇水滸伝)

Tsukioka Yoshitoshi (月岡芳年) (artist 04/30/1839 – 06/09/1892)

Ōtomo Wakana-hime (大友若菜姫) from the series Sagas of Beauty and Bravery (Biyū Suikoden - 美勇水滸伝)


6.875 in x 9.375 in (Overall dimensions) Japanese woodblock print
Signed: Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi hitsu
Publisher: Ōmiya Kyūjirō (Marks 415 - seal 30-034)
Carver: Matsushima Hori Masa
Combined date and aratame censor seal: 6/1866
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston
Marega Collection, Universita Pontificia Salesiana
Waseda University - middle panel of an 1853 Toyokuni III triptych with the same figure
Philadelphia Museum of Art
Bibliothèque nationale de France - #7 in an album
National Gallery of Victoria
Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München "The chūban prints from this series were printed two to a block and then cut... The production of the set lasted from 4/1866-4/1867. Once completed, it was issued with an unsigned, undated title page and a contents page that itemised all fifty prints, with the signature Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi ga (picture by Ikkaisai Yoshitoshi) and the name of Kanagaki Robun in the left margin."

Quoted from: Yoshitoshi: Masterpieces from the Ed Freis Collection, page 85. The authors note that there appears to be a later edition where the publisher's seal has been left blank.


The text in the cartouche at the top reads: 豊後国臼杵の城主大友宗隣の一女なり錦が嶽に於て妖術を授、父の仇たる菊池家をうちほろぼさんず陰謀尋常太夫のおよぶ所にあらず.


There are 8 other images from this series in the Lyon Collection (#s 404, 1076, 1103, 1104, 1155, 1157, 1188 and 1189), plus the frontispiece (#1191) and title page (#1190).
Ōmiya Kyūjirō (近江屋久次郎) (publisher)
Yūrei-zu (幽霊図 - ghosts demons monsters and spirits) (genre)
Suikoden (水滸傳) (genre)
Kanagaki Robun (仮名垣魯文) (author)